Wide Rice Noodles with Pork

<b>Wide Rice Noodles with Pork</b>


Wide Rice Noodles

1 bowl

Minced Pork

30 g

Sliced Pork

5 pcs


2 pcs

Sliced Chinese Fish Sausage

2 pcs

Crispy Pork

2 pcs

Dry Cabbage Leaves

1 tsp

RosDee Noodle Soup

1 tbsp


1 l

Deep-Fried Garlic

Fresh Sprouts

Spring Onion, Coriander and Pepper Powder

Cooking Method

  1. Boil sprouts and wide rice noodles until cooked. Put them in a bowl.
  2. Boil meatballs, Chinese fish sausage, sliced pork and minced pork, and set them aside
  3. Heat the pot and boil water. Add RosDee Noodle Soup and dry cabbage leaves.
  4. Put meatballs, Chinese fish sausage, sliced pork and minced pork into the noodle bowl.
  5. Pour the soup into the bowl at the right amount. Add deep-fried garlic and sprinkle with pepper powder. Add spring onion and coriander. Wide Rice Noodles with Pork is ready to serve


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